Ms. Ekberg started class by asking student the purpose behind creating a driving question. Students discussed that the driving questions serve as a starting point for their final projects. Ms. Ekberg then continued on with an activity from Monday, where students did a gallery walk of the driving questions posted on the wall, and formed groups of 2-3 based on questions they wanted continue pursuing and taking down the driving question posters they wanted to eliminate.
After students formed groups, Ms. Ekberg passes out a worksheet entitled, “Prompts for developing well-constructed driving questions”, which comes from p. 87 of the Krajcik, Cerniak, and Berger (2003) book, Teaching Science in Elementary and Middle School Classrooms: A Project-based Approach. Students are to used this framework to finalize one driving questions on a fresh sheet of poster paper, and then post it on the wall for feedback from the rest of the class.
Students then walk around the room reading the new driving questions, adding comments with post-its and making sure to be constructive with their thoughts about the driving questions, utilizing the Krajcik, Cerniak, and Berger PBL framework. When students are done reading through their critique, they work on refining their question. Then, they designate a recorder to post their new question onto the course BlackBoard discussion board.
Students then select a common weekly meeting time, and upload a group contract outlining each group member’s responsibilities to each other, and attaching it to their BlackBoard posting of the driving question. Students then agree to meet at time
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