Monday, March 8, 2010

Class Meeting 13: Mon March 8, 2010 Formative Assessment

Today, Ms. Ekberg starts the first part of the class by explaining what will happen this coming Wednesday. The Geogebra people will meet here in the Sanchez building, while the Biology, Chemistry, and Physics students will be meeting in Painter 4.14. Also, after class, there will be an opportunity to visit the Blanton Museum of Art for Geogebra students who might want to look through the artwork again.

Ms. Ekberg then presented a PowerPoint presentation on the purpose of formative assessment. Students got into their project groups to come up with three specific purposes of assessment. First, students worked in their individual groups for 10 minutes, then Ms. Ekberg pulled the whole group together to come up with fill in 2 categories she wrote on the board: Purpose (why?) and Technique (How?). As students shared their answers, Ms. Ekberg started to ask what the difference between summative and formative assessment might be. In order to help student better understand how to think of the differences between summative and formative, Ms. Ekberg changed the word “Formative” to “InFormative”.

Ms. Ekberg then introduced students to various assessment techniques, such as KWL charts, minute papers/muddiest points, concept maps, Problem/Process/Solution charts, student-generated test-questions based on incorrect student answers as distracters, and peer-evaluations. Ms. Ekberg explained Manor New Tech HS uses Know/Need to Know charts when introducing a problem, instead of KWL charts.

For second part of class, two student groups present their planning documents to the class. Ms. Ekberg discusses the use of peer-evaluation and how to generate and use rubrics, introducing tools such as Rubistar. She offers students 15 minutes to do some group planning, but the Geometry group is ready to present. So, Ms. Ekberg passes out rubrics for the class (yellow colored-ones for instructor/TA), so that everyone can offers feedback to the groups.

The geometry group is in the midst of a survivor game. The present their project which involves a flat piece of cardboard in which students compete for how much water they can carry with the water. Then, the Geoalgebra group presents on their project, which involves describing pieces of art from their Blanton Museum of Art field trip using mathematical language. Students and instructors fill out their rubrics to offer feedback to the groups before the class ends.


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