Project-based Instruction Fall 2009
1) Now that you have had the opportunity to guide your field investigation, please re-write the investigation.
2) For your reflection of the experience, please respond to the following, using evidence from your videotapes, observer notes, comments and collegial comments as well as the student artifacts (pre- and or post-tests, worksheets, field journals, presentation rubrics, etc.) that you collected during your lessons. This is a model for the final portfolio.
a) Describe 2 things about your teaching that you think went well and provide evidence (see above) to demonstrate the successes.
b) Describe 2 things that did not go well the FIRST TIME and provide evidence to demonstrate the lack of success. Discuss what conversations you had with your observers and how their comments were incorporated into the changes you made for the second teaching. Finally, describe what happened the 2nd time when you made these changes and provide evidence for the success (or lack of success) you encountered.
c) Describe 2 things that you would change if you could teach these lessons again and INCLUDE these changes in your revised plan submitted under #1 above. Discuss what prompted your decision to make these changes, including conversations with or written suggestions from your observers.
d) Describe at least 2 specific lesson components that occurred on Thursday and Friday that prepared your students well or that they were able to utilize in the investigation on Saturday.
e) Describe at least 2 aspects (changes/additions/deletions) of Thursday &/or Friday that would have better prepared your students for Saturday.
f) If you had a follow up day with your students in the classroom what would you do?
g) How could this “mini-project”, your lessons and field experience be used either as a launch or a significant piece of a bigger unit?
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